Kathi Albertson
NARO Ohio Chapter Board Member

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Kathi and her husband Don own 89 acres of land adjacent to Salt Fork State Park in Guernsey County where they enjoyed having a Christmas tree farm as well as planting a variety of timber trees to increase the forested acreage. Because they also own the mineral rights, Kathi has been a regular attendee at the meetings of the Oil and Gas Land Management Commission since 2018 due their concern about the potential of drilling under state lands. She served as the Public Policy Team Leader for the Guernsey County Farm Bureau for several years and meets regularly with politicians to discuss gas and oil issues.
Kathi has a BA degree in Education from the University of Dayton and after receiving an MA in Linguistics from Ohio University Kathi became an administrator for OU, retiring as the Director of Continuing and Community Education for the Zanesville campus