About NARO Ohio
NARO Ohio was established in 2019 as a Chapter of the National Association of Royalty Owners (www.naro-us.org). NARO is a volunteer led, member based, 501(c)6 education and advocacy organization established in 1980 to assist US mineral owners.

We have been working and organizing our chapter to serve Ohio land, mineral, and royalty owners. Our mission is to advocate for and educate landowners regarding regulatory, legislative and judicial issues related to mineral extraction in the State of Ohio involving private and public lands.
We also provide mineral leasing resources and access to our National organization’s library and related topics through Ohio Chapter membership.
Our educational events are THE best place to understand the challenges, benefits and responsibilities of private mineral ownership.
Membership is important to us regardless of the extent of your interests and oil and gas knowledge. I encourage you to become involved in our organization. We bring together royalty owners, industry professionals and politicians across our state to educate and benefit our membership. More involvement by our membership will enhance the strength of our chapter and increase our overall knowledge base as we participate in the responsible development of Ohio’s world class natural gas resources.
I look forward to meeting you at one of our upcoming events.
– Message from President
Daniel Devitt